Comments on: 10 Things You Need To Know About Working in Australia The Backpacking Travel Experts Sat, 14 Jul 2018 05:09:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jen Mon, 28 May 2012 10:57:16 +0000 Brilliant tips – I can’t believe you have to learn to work behind a bar, good to know though! xx

By: Nevil Biscuits Mon, 14 May 2012 05:49:57 +0000 RSA is a very important item to hold and if you are going for Bar jobs you’ll need to get it before you apply, having known bar owners and managers who handle employment I know they apply a simple and common filing system, in the ‘KEEP’ file goes all those that hold a current RSA and in the ‘NO’ pile or as some know it the ‘Rubbish Bin’ pile are those that don’t already hold one. Also very important is to check which states accept RSA’s from other states as it will save you money if you can just transfer your RSA. In NSW you must attend a course and you can not use any other state RSA, the course will cost around $130 and you will get a photo ID card after.

The other tip is to create a special bar related resume that leaves out all the boring bits and sells you on the fun and interesting stuff. A sexy photo (good looking not naked) in the top right corner will also put you on the top of the pile as we all know most bars are keen to have good looking staff behind the bar, especially bars based in the CBD. Also take photo copies of your RSA with your Resume to prove you have it, Bars will like this as it means you are well prepared… oh and don’t lie about working behind a bar if it’s a busy bar because your trial will be throwing you in the deep end and you’ll be found out and not asked back.

By: Dani Carlucci Wed, 11 Apr 2012 00:11:39 +0000 This is a great guide to working in Australia. I was studying the first time I lived in Sydney, but I will be looking for employment when I move back. Thanks!

By: Dan Thu, 15 Dec 2011 19:41:56 +0000 A lot of people ask me how I went about moving money from my UK bank account to my Australian bank account without having to wait weeks on end for it to transfer. The easiest way for me was to set up a PayPal account linked to my UK bank account and then another PayPal account linked to my Australian bank account. I used my current paypal/ bank account (In my case it was the UK one) to ‘send money’ to myself (the new Australian account). I actually found PayPal to have the best exchange rate at the time too which saved me a few $$. I could have just withdrawn all of the money and paid it in but I didn’t fancy carrying £10,000+ with me. It works the other way around too so when you’re leaving you can transfer all of your hard earned dollar back home!
